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Anteage Skincare
Candela Exceed
Dermal Fillers
Liquid Lipo
Lipotrophic Injections
Xeomin/Botox Injections
VI Peel
Weight loss services
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Liquid Lipo is here !
What is Xeomin/Botox (neuromodulators)?
It’s a FDA-approved neurotoxin that temporarily makes moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better in adults. Treatment requires minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after you leave your the office. You may begin to notice results within 48 to 72 hours for moderate to severe frown lines. Full results in 14 days
These neuromodulators target one of the underlying causes of frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines — the repeated muscle contractions from frowning, squinting, smiling and raising the eyebrows over the years. Your specialist will inject these muscles to temporarily reduce muscle activity. You will begin to notice your frown lines between your brows, your crow’s feet lines and your forehead lines temporarily look better.
Dermal fillers help to diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face.
As we age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat. The facial muscles are then working closer to the skin surface, so smile lines and crow's feet become more apparent.
The facial skin also stretches a bit, adding to this loss of facial volume. Other factors that affect the facial skin include sun exposure, heredity and lifestyle.
Theses are amino acids that are injected into the body stimulate the liver into optimizing the process of metabolism. These injections boost the body’s metabolic power by providing a highly effective temporary increase of normal metabolic functions. As soon as the effect of these substances wears off, the body begins to gradually return to its normal metabolic rate. When administered in combination with a low-calorie diet and regular exercise, can help your body to rid itself of fat, while simultaneously increasing your energy levels both via the fat released energy and the energy promoting properties of vitamin b-12.
Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are popular weight-loss medications used by millions for off label treatment for weight-loss. The medication was originally approved for Type II DM and is now being used off-label for weight loss. Tirzepatide is a dual glucose dependent insulintrophic polypetide (GIP) and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist. These medication have shown to decrease hunger cravings, lower A1C levels, and show weight loss up to 22% of your body weight. Oral medications available now.
Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. It’s also called microplaning or blading. Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant.
A VI Peel is a medium-strength, medical-grade chemical peel that helps to minimize signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, melasma and uneven skin texture, dullness and tone. VI Peel also targets acne and acne scarring and helps minimize pore size. VI Peel can also be used as an aging preventative for younger skin that has no visible signs of aging. VI Peel works by removing both the epidermis (the top layer of skin) and the uppermost section of the underlying dermal layers, allowing them to be replaced by smoother, brighter skin.
The Candela Exceed device offers enhanced treatment versatility as the first dual-indicated, FDA-cleared medical microneedling system for the treatment of both facial wrinkles and facial acne scar reduction.1,2 Each treatment session delivers powerful results with minimal downtime.1,2 Check out the results of Candela Exceed. at the link:
AnteAGE pioneered the science of reactivating the skin's natural regenerative properties by utilizing Stem and Growth Factor Cytokines derived from human bone marrow, the most natural and powerful option to restore youthful skin. The scientists behind AnteAGE® have harnessed the healing power of stem cells to regain your skin’s ability to be have youthfully, and heal beautifully.
Microneedling with ANTEAGE MD GROWTH FACTOR SOLUTION Anti-inflammatory growth factors encourage rapid healing after any aesthetic treatment while also minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, tightening the skin, and smoothing skin texture. Shallow micro-needles stimulate the top layers of skin, prompting a regenerative response and natural collagen growth. AnteAGE MD® Growth Factor Solution delivers powerful anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating growth factors and hyaluronic acid to the skin. This combination can achieve dramatic results with minimal discomfort and downtime. Microneedling is one of the only safe and effective treatments for those presenting high on the Fitzpatrick scale. No other product offers the anti-aging properties of bone marrow stem cell growth factors. AnteAGE MD creates lasting changes by altering the way your cells communicate giving you:
• Smoothed Fine Lines & Wrinkles
• Increased Skin Laxity
• Minimized Redness
•Brighter Complexion
• Pore Size Reduction
• Improved texture & tone
• Lifted appearance
• Increased clarity
• The AnteAGE GLOW
AnteAGE MD uses the latest science to reactivate your skin’s regenerative properties to effectively recharge its natural healing response. Shallow micro-needles stimulate the top layers of skin, prompting a regenerative response and natural collagen growth. AnteAGE MD Microneedling Solution delivers powerful anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating growth factors and hyaluronic acid to the skin. Advanced proteins reprogram skin to trigger collagen production and renew a youthful appearance in your skin.This combination can achieve dramatic results with minimal discomfort and downtime. Microneedling is one of the only safe and effective treatments for those presenting high on the Fitzpatrick scale. AnteAGE MD Microneedling delivers stem cell growth factors to effectively reverse the age of your skin. This next generation treatment does not require a blood draw from the patient, unlike PRP. Reveal radiant, smooth skin without downtime or blood. “AnteAGE created a growth factor product line which brings the regenerative potential of PRP but with a consistency and anti-inflammatory profile that can be relied upon clinically.” -Dr. Todd E. Schlesinger MD, FAAD, FASMS
AnteAGE MD Hair Solution for In-Office Treatments AnteAGE MD Hair Solution incorporates recent advances in hair follicle science. Specialized techniques influence bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell cultures to produce conditioned media focused on hair growth (Wnt-1a pathway) while twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines, each with proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation, are added to make this the most scientifically advanced product of its type. A Non-Invasive, Effective Approach to Hair Loss Clinical Study Results: 100% Noticed New Hair Growth 92% Saw Improvement in Quality + Texture *Men and Women After 12 Weeks The AnteAGE MD Hair Treatment is a non-invasive hair restoration treatment. We know that stem cells play a critical role in hair growth. AnteAGE MD Hair Microneedling Solution is powered by Stem Cell Growth Factors & Cytokines, a lab-tested solution for follicle regeneration. For best results, pair with the AnteAGE MD Home Hair System. AnteAGE MD Hair Microneedling Solution incorporates recent advances in hair follicle science to reduce the rate of hair loss Activate follicle regrowth awaken dormant cells inside the hair follicle AnteAGE is a pioneer in harnessing the power of bone marrow stem cells for regenerative results. Our hair products in particular have been formulated with specific stem cell derived growth factors that have been influenced to retrain follicle health patterns and restart the growth (“anagen”) phase of hair cycles. Without the addition of these growth factors, periods of growth become shorter as you age and hair loss and thinning begin to show.
These specialized proteins reverse hair loss by targeting the Wnt-1 and JAK-STAT signaling pathways to optimize cell communication and gene transcription for increased follicle growth in size and number, hacking your hair growth cycle back on track. Just because nature has slowed down doesn’t mean you can’t have a full head of hair. Take control and give your hair the boost it needs to get growing again
International Women’s Day 2018
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